No. 6 Cocina Sencilla's menu

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Updated on March 23, 2023 by the community. Indicative menu, if you find any outdated entry, or you are the owner of the restaurant and want to update your menu for free, contact with Gastrocarta.

No. 6 Cocina Sencilla's contact info

List of menu categories

    • Mini beef burger with jalapeño

      4.00 €

    • Salmorejo with hard-boiled egg and Serrano ham bitm

      5.50 €

    • Prawn potato salad with mayonnaise

      7.50 €

    • Broccoli tartar

      7.00 €

    • Smoked fish salad with avocado

      8.00 €

    • Black bread with squid

      7.00 €

      (2 units)

    • Teriyaki salmon with grilled roasted garlic

      18.50 €

    • Grilled cuttlefish with quinioa, mushroom and alioli

      15.50 €

    • Grillled red tuna fish

      20.00 €

    • Crispy tempura battered prawns

      with green beans and sesane sauce

      Price by ration
      ½ Ración
    • Scallops with wakame and alioli sauce

      17.00 €

      (3 units)

    • Pan-seared octopus with soy mayonnaise

      21.50 €


    • Shrimp au gratin with parmesan cheese and lemon

      9.00 €

    • Zucchini noodles with shrimp

      13.50 €

    • Fig salad with Bellota ham, avocado and orange

      14.00 €

    • Beetroot noodle salad

      with grapefruit, spinach, walnuts and lime vinaigrette

      12.50 €

    • Chicken nuggets with cheese dip

      Price by ration
      ½ Ración
    • Argentinian chorizo

      8.50 €

      (2 pieces)

    • Argentinian skirt steak with chimichurri sauce

      19.50 €

    • Beff tataki with mushrooms and truffie

      19.50 €

    • Beff steak

      21.00 €

    • Crispy potatoes and sweet potatoes with alioli sauce and mojo picón sauce

      Price by ration
      ½ Ración
    • Puff pastry tart with pear, blue cheese and sugar cane honey

      8.50 €

    • Grilled veggies with yuzu mayo

      13.50 €

    • Fresh pasta with arugula pesto and sun-dried tomatoes

      12.00 €

    • Aubergine and dried tomato reviolí

      with cheese sauce

      7.00 €

    • Sweets of the day

      5.50 €

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Let us know if you are allergic to any of our ingredients We don't split the bills. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Updated on March 23, 2023